Anaerobic Treatment
Wastewaters from the food and beverage industry, pulp and paper mills and from chemical industry are often highly loaded with organic pollutants and can be advantageously treated by anaerobic processes.
CST Wastewater Solutions, with its partner Global Water (GWE), has a range of anaerobic reactors and processes specifically tailored to treat the wastewaters.
GWE has more than 400 operating plants in 66 countries, including Australia.
In Australia, these include Golden Circle Cannery, Visy Paper in Brisbane and Campaspe Water Reclamation Plant, Echuca.
Anaerobic treatment of suitable wastewater streams has several main advantages, including low sludge production, small foot print and a net producer of energy instead of being a larger consumer.

Golden Circle Brisbane

Visy Paper Brisbane

Campaspe Water Reclamation Plant, Eucha

Miller Brewery, California