Environmental showpiece features globally applicable wastewater fine screening technology as front-line safeguard
Advanced fine screening technology from CST Wastewater Solutions features in a prize-winning wastewater treatment plant project that has transformed the area surrounding it into an environmental wetland wildlife sanctuary and community recreational asset. Read more...
Skate on thin ice by ignoring signs that wastewater screens may ultimately fail
Sometimes the first indication owners have that their wastewater plant screens need maintenance is when they are subjected to sudden heavy load. This is both the time that they are most needed, and alsoRead more...
CST’s simpler but smarter inline rotary fine screening responds efficiently to hugely diverse municipal and industrial needs
Advanced wastewater fine screening technology from CST Wastewater Solutions features headworks designed for easy installation, high screening efficiency and low-maintenance over diverse municipal and industrial wastewater treatment applications encountered locally and globally. The robustlyRead more...
CST and NH Foods Australia’s Queensland waste-to-energy project receives international IChemE energy and sustainability accolades
CST Wastewater Solutions’ major waste-to-energy project with NH Foods in Queensland has received international recognition this month through finalist nominations in both the energy and sustainability categories of the prestigious 2019 Institute of ChemicalRead more...
JJ Richards’ food waste initiative delivers national potential for environmental advances
Waste management leader JJ Richards & Sons is proving an environmental initiative in Sydney that eliminates landfill dumping of commercial and retail food waste by transforming it into valuable green energy and fertiliser. JJRead more...
Biogas in a balloon lifts clean green environmental and business performance at world-first NH Foods Australia plant
Biogas in a balloon lifts clean green environmental and business performance at world-first NH Foods Australia plant A far-sighted green energy initiative made by the leading meat processor NH Foods Australia at their OakeyRead more...