
Not just for the big guys – sludge treatment success shows clean, green solutions work for SMEs too

An energy-saving sludge handling solution for small-to-medium food and beverage waste producers throughout Australasia and the Asia-Pacific has been shown in service to cut sludge volumes and waste transport and disposal costs to less than a seventh of previous levels. Lighter, drier, healthier and more easily recycled and transported dried sludge produced using Read more...

Not just for the big guys – sludge treatment success shows clean, green solutions work for SMEs too2025-03-13T19:31:50+11:00

Wastewater treatment’s first lines of defence offer environmental and health benefits in enormous battle against microplastics pollution

Plastic waste can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose, and even then, it never fully disappears; it just gets smaller and smaller, if left to its own devices. By entering waterways, soils, atmospheres and food chains as microplastic particles, (less than 5mm) this intractable waste is harmful to aquatic, animal, and human Read more...

Wastewater treatment’s first lines of defence offer environmental and health benefits in enormous battle against microplastics pollution2025-01-20T14:26:17+11:00

It isn’t glamourous, but efficient sludge treatment turns OHS and pollution hazards into recyclables – and sticky problems into profit

Sludge dewatering seldom makes the headlines environmentally in Australia, New Zealand, or Oceania more broadly, but it is an increasingly vital process in ensuring compliance with statutory groundwater, transport, disposal, and OHS regulations affecting both municipalities and industry. Wastewater before treatment, during which sludge is deposited Concisely defined, it is the practice Read more...

It isn’t glamourous, but efficient sludge treatment turns OHS and pollution hazards into recyclables – and sticky problems into profit2024-09-24T13:50:59+10:00

Customers and jobs benefit as wastewater leader CST achieves full local manufacture of screening technology vital to efficiency and sustainability

An Australasian leader in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment for more than 25 years, CST Wastewater Solutions, is to fully manufacture its rotary drum screen and screw screen/compactors locally to enhance quality and certainty of supply in Australia and New Zealand. CST Wastewater Solutions now removes supply chain disruption at water and wastewater Read more...

Customers and jobs benefit as wastewater leader CST achieves full local manufacture of screening technology vital to efficiency and sustainability2022-03-24T11:06:34+11:00

Sustainability win-win as natural ingredients producer puts the squeeze on waste while protecting the environment with KDS dewatering

A leading New Zealand food processing company committed to ongoing excellence in sustainability has become an early adopter of a sludge dewatering technology engineered to cost-efficiently reduce the environmental footprint of food, beverage, and wastewater treatment throughout Australasia. The harvest of fresh ripe red apples just collected from the trees are folded into Read more...

Sustainability win-win as natural ingredients producer puts the squeeze on waste while protecting the environment with KDS dewatering2021-08-25T16:20:58+10:00

World Heritage Lord Howe sets a pristine environmental example with future-focussed wastewater, recycling and sustainability initiatives

An Australian island already noted for its exceptional environmental foresight is taking further major steps to advance its clean, green protection of its precious World Heritage listed natural assets. Lord Howe Island – just 11km long, averaging about 2km wide, with peaks rising to Mt Gower’s 880m – is working towards EPA approvals, flora Read more...

World Heritage Lord Howe sets a pristine environmental example with future-focussed wastewater, recycling and sustainability initiatives2021-07-27T10:46:37+10:00

Environmental showpiece features globally applicable wastewater fine screening technology as front-line safeguard

Advanced fine screening technology from CST Wastewater Solutions features in a prize-winning wastewater treatment plant project that has transformed the area surrounding it into an environmental wetland wildlife sanctuary and community recreational asset. Logan City Council has revealed increasing wildlife populations are flocking to the recently developed wetlands on the site of the Read more...

Environmental showpiece features globally applicable wastewater fine screening technology as front-line safeguard2021-02-04T15:41:22+11:00

Skate on thin ice by ignoring signs that wastewater screens may ultimately fail

Sometimes the first indication owners have that their wastewater plant screens need maintenance is when they are subjected to sudden heavy load. This is both the time that they are most needed, and also the time when the worst failures can occur if screens haven’t been properly maintained. Then, the problem becomes all too Read more...

Skate on thin ice by ignoring signs that wastewater screens may ultimately fail2020-08-13T13:16:19+10:00

CST’s simpler but smarter inline rotary fine screening responds efficiently to hugely diverse municipal and industrial needs

Advanced wastewater fine screening technology from CST Wastewater Solutions features headworks designed for easy installation, high screening efficiency and low-maintenance over diverse municipal and industrial wastewater treatment applications encountered locally and globally. The robustly engineered horizontal in-channel rotary drum screening technology has already been proven in some of the notoriously variable conditions of its Read more...

CST’s simpler but smarter inline rotary fine screening responds efficiently to hugely diverse municipal and industrial needs2020-07-28T16:24:34+10:00

CST and NH Foods Australia’s Queensland waste-to-energy project receives international IChemE energy and sustainability accolades

CST Wastewater Solutions’ major waste-to-energy project with NH Foods in Queensland has received international recognition this month through finalist nominations in both the energy and sustainability categories of the prestigious 2019 Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Global Awards. The technology involved in the double IChemE finalist nomination is a far-sighted green energy initiative by Read more...

CST and NH Foods Australia’s Queensland waste-to-energy project receives international IChemE energy and sustainability accolades2019-10-21T14:39:40+11:00
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