
Fine Screens Cairns, 2.0mm perforations

CST was awarded the contract to supply six off 2.0mm perforated drum screens, to pre-screen sewage prior to the MBR at the Cairns Southern and Northern Treatment Plants.

Fine Screens Cairns, 2.0mm perforations2018-08-28T14:04:01+10:00

Berson UV Disinfectant, Sydney Water Brooklyn

CST supplied and commissioned the in-pipe medium pressure Berson UV disinfectant system for Sydney Water’s Brooklyn STP. The system is designed to disinfect some 25L/second of tertiary effluent.

Berson UV Disinfectant, Sydney Water Brooklyn2018-08-28T14:04:01+10:00

Brush Aerators for Coolah Shire, Queensland

CST and Smith & Loveless have supplied the Brush Aerators for the oxidation ditches at Coolah Shire Sewage Plants at Coolah Cove and Rainbow Beach.

Brush Aerators for Coolah Shire, Queensland2018-08-28T14:04:01+10:00

June 2008 – More Success with Combined Inlet & Grit Screening

More Success with Combined Inlet & Grit ScreeningIn recent months, several more combined units have been sold to remove both screenings and grit. These are taking flows up to180 l/sec in a single pre-fabricated unit. Bega Valley -180 l/sec Combined Inlet Works Ultra Violet Disinfection NWRI Validation Berson UV announces it is close to becoming [...]

June 2008 – More Success with Combined Inlet & Grit Screening2018-08-28T14:04:01+10:00

Clarifier – 48m diameter

CST Wastewater Solutions has been awarded the Contract to design, supply and install a 48m clarifier mechanism at the Norske Skog Paper Mill in Tasmania. The mechanism is a Smith & Loveless designed and manufactured Suction Clarifier. The clarifier is part of the Mill’s wastewater plant upgrade and involves converting an existing primary clarifier [...]

Clarifier – 48m diameter2018-08-28T14:04:01+10:00

Berson UV

In October CST was awarded the Contract to supply a Berson Medium Pressure UV System to Ted Wilson & Sons for the Goulburn Mulwarree Council’s Sewerage Augmentation Irrigation facility at its Gorman Road Plant.  The design by TWS represented a substantial savings in civil works and power to the Council. The Berson In-Pipe [...]

Berson UV2018-08-28T14:04:02+10:00

Micro Cloth Filters

CST Wastewater Solutions now introduces its new Cloth Fitter Static Filter. The filter is capable of filtering to 5-10 micron.  Unlike other units on the market, the CST unit from Italy has fixed discs with only the suction cleaning arm rotating during the cleaning process.      [...]

Micro Cloth Filters2018-08-28T14:04:02+10:00

Ballast Safe Fine Filter

This new unit from Israel is a recent addition to the CST range. It is an In-Pipe Filter with automatic backwash with screening element manufactured from layered centered stainless steel mesh. This unique design allows it to filter down to 10 micron. The normal filtering range is 400-10 micron.

Ballast Safe Fine Filter2018-08-28T14:04:02+10:00

Ozone Disinfection

To add to CST's growing range of equipment aimed to the tertiary treatment and recycled areas, we have become Australian partners with Ozone Electronica Internationale S.r.l. of Italy for Ozone Treatment. OEI are one of the leaders in Ozone Treatment with more than 30 years experience in this field.

Ozone Disinfection2018-08-28T14:04:02+10:00
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