
In Channel Drum Screens

CST Wastewater Solutions supplied in 2001, 4 off Screens each to screen 1750 l/sec of raw sewage at 3.0 mm for the Bolivar SewageTreatment Plant in Adelaide, Australia operated by United Water. The head loss across the screens under operating conditions is less than 200mm.  This is just the latest installation of screens sold [...]

In Channel Drum Screens2018-08-28T14:04:03+10:00

Continuous Sand Filters

Over the last 6 months CST has installed and commissioned Contra-Shear Aqua Filters in Malaysia and in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong filters are operating after secondary biological treatment, reducing the suspended solids discharged from an industrial laundry into the river system. In Malaysia the CST Aqua Filters are treating river water prior to reverse [...]

Continuous Sand Filters2018-08-28T14:04:03+10:00
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