
Australia’s Golden Circle boiler to use 90 per cent biogas

Australian canned fruit and fruit drinks company Golden Circle is planning to install a larger boiler to take better advantage of biogas produced from the anaerobic processing of wastewater from the factory’s food processing plant in Northgate, Queensland. The existing boiler burns around 30 per cent of the biogas produced. The new boiler, utilises about [...]

Australia’s Golden Circle boiler to use 90 per cent biogas2018-08-28T14:03:58+10:00

Bluetongue Brewery targets world’s best practice in water usage

An environmentally sensitive brewery that makes more beer out of less water while using less energy has commenced production in the home of one of the world’s leading beer drinking countries, Australia. SABMiller’s Bluetongue Brewery in New South Wales features a state-of-the-art water recovery plant, which targets best-practice water reuse standards. The water recovery plant [...]

Bluetongue Brewery targets world’s best practice in water usage2018-08-28T14:03:58+10:00

CST Wastewater sets new benchmark with S&Ls 95 per cent grit removal down to 105 microns

Advanced inlet screening and grit removal technologies that set new performance benchmarks for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants are being introduced to Australasia by CST Wastewater Solutions. The technologies – to be displayed at Ozwater 2012 exhibition in Sydney from May 8-10 on stand 5E1 – include the latest Smith & Loveless PISTA® 360™ [...]

CST Wastewater sets new benchmark with S&Ls 95 per cent grit removal down to 105 microns2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Bathurst Regional Council supernatant recycling project demonstrates substantial water conservation

A major NSW regional council has introduced a supernatant recycling system into the filtration plant in the town water supply, helping to conserve potable water and providing substantial water savings over the long term. The Bathurst Regional Council recycle system, installed by Ted Wilson & Sons of Blayney using equipment supplied by CST Wastewater Solutions, [...]

Bathurst Regional Council supernatant recycling project demonstrates substantial water conservation2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Bluetongue Brewery Points Way to Water and Energy Gains

A water recovery plant designed to target world’s best-practice water reuse standards in the food and beverage industry has exceeded its designers’ high expectations in its first year of service at the new Bluetongue brewery in Australia. The waste water treatment and green energy plant at the $120 million Pacific Beverages’ Bluetongue Brewery in NSW [...]

Bluetongue Brewery Points Way to Water and Energy Gains2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Green power generation turns wastewater treatment into cash cow

Green power generation turns wastewater treatment into a ‘cash cow’ - while also preserving the environment Amid surging energy prices and the need for measures to counter global warming, green energy generation from wastewater treatment does not always get as much attention as more traditional renewables such as solar and wind. In fact there lies [...]

Green power generation turns wastewater treatment into cash cow2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Cadia Valley Operations Set Gold Standard

Cadia Valley Operations set a truly gold standard of environmental care with FAST wastewater treatment for purification and recycling. Australia’s largest gold producer, Newcrest, has introduced a high efficiency and low-maintenance waste water treatment system at its flagship Cadia Valley Operations (CVO) to purify human and other waste water and enable it to be recycled [...]

Cadia Valley Operations Set Gold Standard2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Anaerobic Waste Water Plant Brings Awards

CST was amongst the finalists for two categories NSW Division of the Institute of Engineers annual awards with its Recycled Water Treatment Plant/Green Energy plant for $120 million BlueTongue Brewery completed last year at Warnervale NSW by Pacific Beverages .

Anaerobic Waste Water Plant Brings Awards2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

NSW Food Processor Uses CST’s Innovative DAF To Achieve Demanding Discharge Targets

A prominent food processing company in regional New South Wales is reaching its demanding targets for purifying wastewater before discharge into the sewer, without having to invest in expensive biological processing. The company’s innovative dissolved air flotation (DAF) system for treating wastewater was designed and successfully installed by CST Wastewater Solutions. The treatment plant reduces [...]

NSW Food Processor Uses CST’s Innovative DAF To Achieve Demanding Discharge Targets2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00

Further enhancements to ‘world’s best grit removal system’ for wastewater treatment

The latest Smith & Loveless PISTA® wastewater grit removal chamber, which extracts an unprecedented 95 per cent of grit as small as 100 microns, has been launched by regional supplier CST Wastewater Solutions. Equipped with a new patented V-Force Baffle™ that increases the effectiveness of the grit removal, the PISTA ™chamber is “pretty hot”, according [...]

Further enhancements to ‘world’s best grit removal system’ for wastewater treatment2018-08-28T14:03:59+10:00
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